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Wilton Benitez EA Decaf

250 grams

Good coffee & packaging.

All of our coffee packaging is fully recyclable and printed with soy-based ink. After you've enjoyed your coffee, dispose anywhere soft plastics are accepted.

Regular price $25.00

Origin: Colombia

Region: Cauca  

Varietal: Red Bourbon

Processing: Anaerobic natural EA decaf 

Tasting notes: Rosewater, dragon fruit, lychee, chewy carmel 

The Process:

Anaerobic fermentation is a coffee processing method where coffee cherries are fermented in an environment where the coffee is deprived of oxygen during the fermentation stage! Deprivation of oxygen can happen within a bag, vat, or other container that limits oxygen’s ability to reach the coffee as it ferments. The oxygen is then released via a one-way valve, or specifically pushed out by forcing carbon dioxide into the container being used. This allows for a longer fermentation phase to occur without the risks of over fermentation! In this case the coffee underwent 48 hours of cherry oxidation, then 68 hours anaerobic fermentation before it was then dried for 48 hours at 38 degrees Celsius and then decaffeinated using the sugar cane process or EA for short .

Behind the Producer:

Altitude:1900 masl

Farm: Granja Paraiso 92

Producer: Wilton Benitez 

About Producer: 

Wilton's approach to coffee processing is at the cutting edge of innovation. As a chemical engineer turned high-end coffee grower, he leverages his scientific background and decades of experience to craft some of the most unique coffees. He employs advanced fermentation technology and strict processing protocols to enhance and highlight the distinct characteristics of his coffees. His process begins by sterilizing ripe coffee cherries with ozone gas and ultraviolet light. The cherries are then pulped and fermented in an anaerobic bioreactor with specific yeast strains, enhancing the coffee's fruity and citric qualities.

Why we’re stoked!

This coffee has to be the best decaf we've ever had; if we didn't know any better, we wouldn't have been able to guess it was a decaf! This coffee felt like a life-changing experience for every one of the coffee veterans on our team. With its gentle rose florals, fruity lychee, and dragon fruit notes all the way to its buttery caramel sweetness, this coffee has us all turning over a new leaf and drinking more decaf.

Orders are shipped on Wednesday and Friday.

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