Ecuador Las Toles
250 grams
Good coffee & packaging.
All of our coffee packaging is fully recyclable and printed with soy-based ink. After you've enjoyed your coffee, dispose anywhere soft plastics are accepted.
Origin: Ecuador
Region: Pichincha
Varietal: Typica
Processing: Double Fermentation Washed
Tasting notes: Lime zest, demerara sugar, peony, white grape
The Process:
Washed processing involves de-pulping the coffee cherry. A bladed tool is used to cut open the cherries, extract the seeds and discard the empty fruit. The coffee is then soaked in water to soften the seed and typically is left to ferment for 12 to 72 hours. Afterwards the coffee is washed clean of any remaining fruit, mucilage and silver skin before it’s finally dried. In this case they utilized a dry fermentation and produced an exclusively washed coffee. The fermentation time on this coffee was 36 hours and then was taken to dry on raised beds for 28 days.
Behind the Producer:
Altitude: 1700Masl
Farm: Las Toles Estate
Producer: Wilma Ramon
About the Producer:
Wilma Ramon owns Las Toles Estate in Pichincha. This farm sits at 1700 meters and is roughly 100 hectares, 75 of which are planted in coffee. Wilma also grows bananas on this farm! Las Toles Estate produces roughly 10,000 kilos of coffee annually. Their biggest challenges are climate change and excess rain along with the fungus “Ojo de gallo”. Wilma is dedicated to specialty coffee and we are proud to continue to work with them through these challenges!
Why We’re Stoked!
This coffee evokes the sensation of stepping outside and encountering a warm summer breeze. The gentle scent of flowers tickles your senses as you feel the sun warm your skin after being inside all day. All you can think about is how badly you wish this moment would last just a second longer, that the world could slow down for just a moment so you could savor this feeling. Much like this coffee, the moment is sweet, delicate, soothing, and worth remembering! It's the perfect little treat to liven up any day and is the perfect thing to usher in the warmer weather.
Orders are shipped on Wednesday and Friday.