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Honey Sumatra

250 grams

Good coffee & packaging.

All of our coffee packaging is fully recyclable and printed with soy-based ink. After you've enjoyed your coffee, dispose anywhere soft plastics are accepted.

Regular price $26.00

Origin: Indonesia 

Region: Sumatra

Varietal: Catimor, Timtim, Bourbon, Ateng Super, P-88

Processing: Anaerobic Honey 

Tasting notes: Kiwi, horchata, tropical, dark chocolate

The Process: 

Indonesia is known for Giling Basah, also known as wet hulled, coffee processing which creates the unique flavor profile a lot of you know and love. In the case of this coffee the producers in Gayo used an anaerobic honey processing technique where freshly harvested cherries are washed to remove any debris left over from the harvest before being sealed into airtight containers. The cherries are fermented in this anaerobic environment for 72 hours before being rinsed with water and pulped with a mechanical depulper; the depulper is calibrated to leave a specific amount of mucilage on the coffee for the drying process. The pulped coffee is then dried to a humidity of 12–13% before being milled, sorted, and packaged for export.

Behind the Producer:

Altitude: 1500 MASL

Farm:  Smallholder farms from all over Jagong Jeget sub-district of Central Aceh

Producer: Smallholder producers

Why We’re Stoked!

When we tried this coffee it was love at first sip and we just knew it was too good to pass up on! This Sumatra is the best one we’ve had the chance in quite some time and we can’t wait for you to try it.

Orders are shipped on Wednesday and Friday.

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