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Guatemala Quiche

Regular price $26.00

Origin: Guatemala

Region: Joyabaj, Quiche

Varietal: Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra

Processing: Honey or pulped natural 

Tasting notes: Candied plum, apple juice, juicy tangerine and chocolate croissant

The Process:

Honey (or pulped natural) process is a hybrid processing method that combines elements of both Natural and Washed techniques. In Honey processing coffee is depulped but allowed to dry first before washing. Unlike Natural process where most, if not all of the fruit is left on the coffee, only some fruit is left! Fun fact: The reason  “honey processing” gets its name is because while most of the cherry is gone, the remaining fruit becomes golden and the sticky mucilage is reminiscent of honey! 

Behind the Producer:

Altitude: 1500m - 1900m

Farm: Joyabaj Wet Mill

This coffee was produced by small shareholder coffee growers in 13 municipalities surrounding Joyabaj! It truly goes to shows that collaboration in coffee can help small coffee producers thrive.

Why We’re Stoked!

This is one of the juiciest coffees from Guatemala that we’ve ever had! This coffee has a lot of dynamic flavors and a beautiful cup clarity that was just too good for us to pass up on. We’re really stoked to be able to showcase a coffee that shows that innovation truly thrives with collaboration!

Orders are shipped on Wednesday and Friday.

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